Gneuss Kunststofftechnik GmbH
Stand #: P515
Short description

Gneuss is a worldwide technology leader for the extrusion and the reprocessing of polymers of all kinds.

Detailed information

With over 40 years of experience and over 100 patents, Gneuss is a supplier of innovative solutions for the recycling industry. Based in Bad Oeynhausen, Germany, Gneuss is committed to upholding the expectations of its customers with its equipment “made in Germany” but delivered and supported worldwide.
The Gneuss MRS extruder (patented) is a key element of the Gneuss OMNI Recycling Systems and offers new possibilities for recycling, with its highly efficient devolatilisation for extrusion of hygroscopic polymer such as polyester and for the extraction of volatile contaminants. Additionally, and as part of the Gneuss OMNI Recycling Systems, Gneuss offers its unique and also patented process constant and fully automatic screen changers and high-quality melt pressure and temperature sensors, making the efficient processing of highly contaminated materials possible.