Sameer Joshi
Sameer Joshi

Sameer Joshi holds a degree in Polymer engineering in along with holding a PhD on Waste Management. He has been working in plastics waste management and been supporting young Entrepreneurs who are dedicat ed to reduce Plastic pollution.

He is Fellow of Indian Plastics Institute and of Indian Institute of Valuers, Member Institution of Engineers India, and Senior Member Society of Plastic Engineers USA. He holds expertise in Circular Economy, Recycling, EP R & Plastics, and has his own Plastic injection molding unit in Pune.

He is an approved Valuer for Plant and Machinery and VICE CHAIRMAN Governing Council of Indian Plastics Institute (2023-2025) He is member WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM REGIONA L COMMITTEE PLASTIC WASTE SOUTH - ASIA and also member UN marine litter action group and also on Niti Ayog committee.

He is also working for plastic waste management projects for the defense forces. He is recipient of Paryavaran Bhushan Award - Maharashtra Pollution Control Board and Enviro nment Club of India in June 2023 . He is working in the group of Global Plastic Treaty UNEP . In Jan 2024 he has been selected to work for Global Plastic Alliance.

Along with multiple feats, he also holds a Guinness World Book Record Holder for the world 's largest T shirt from plastic waste in 2018.